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Learning to Escape Eroom’s Law

https://youtu.be/lD4wlGyB2rA One indicator that we need a very different concept of what we call business is Eroom’s Law, a buzzword from the world of pharmaceutical drug development. Erooms’s Law is that the increasing complexity of a system inexorably keeps driving...

A Prescription for Change by Michael Kinch

In this newly released book, Michael Kinch begins with the history of drug development from ancient times up to 2016. He’s qualified. Kinch is a knowledgeable insider in drug development, biotech, and in university research, with experience in both the scientific and...

Frames and Framing

https://youtu.be/wtya01TUDT4 In the sense of psychology and communications, George Lakoff coined the term, “framing.” A framework is a belief, or a set of them, by which people interpret their world. We all have multiple frameworks; they need not be logically...

Four Futures: Life After Capitalism, by Peter Frase

Frase is a writer for Jacobin, a left-wing political magazine that sponsored his book. Left wing polemics being predictable, this book seemed of little interest until spotting a couple of reviews by other authors saying that it was mind opening. Critics complained...

A Regenerative Value System

https://youtu.be/u2nM9WLXZHM Lean thinking needs transformation, major expansion, and a basic shift in objectives – from improving operational efficiency to something much bigger: Continuous Regeneration of ourselves, our human economy, and of the natural world. All...

Illusory Objectives

https://youtu.be/WGuLENnrVwU Coffee With Doc: Losing Our Illusions What’s real and what’s illusion? A rock is real. If one hits us, we directly sense pain. But is a quarter real? As a little alloyed disc, it’s real. But how about the 25-cent value we attached to it?...

Infinite Reality: The Hidden Blueprint of Our Virtual Lives

What We’re Reading: Infinite Reality:The Hidden Blueprint of Our Virtual Lives, by Jim Blascovich and Jeremy Bailenson. While five years old, this book is a dated descriptor of where Virtual Reality is today as a technology, but it is as good as has been found as a...

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