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Questions from CEOs

May 13, 2011 The Compression Institute is dedicated to making ideas related to Compression viable in real organizations, including commercial ones. So it will address issues as seen by CEOs. To see some typical CEO questions and comment on then go to the Institute...

1. Is Compression Real?

Do Compression and Compression Thinking add insight into the confusion, chaos, complexity, and uncertainty of the 21st century? Can I see evidence of Compression affecting my organization?

2. Link to a Global Goal?

Does the arbitrary Operational Global Objective provide a basis to develop working targets for my organization? If so, how?

3. The New Normal?

Are these challenges and issues (of Compression) the “New Normal” for my business? For my industry?

5. Risks?

What are the risks if I try to implement Compression Thinking principles and practices in my organization? a.     Can my company survive if I don’t take action? b.     How can it survive if I do take action?

6. My Leadership?

How will my leadership practices have to change if my company is to transform using Compression Thinking?

7. How and Where to Start?

Where to start? Which Compression challenges should my organization address immediately? How can I identify them in as many ways as possible?

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