The Compression Thinking Series Podcasts and Teleconferences

The Compression Thinking Series

Hear Podcasts; Join in Teleconferences

Compression Thinking seeks what we must do to address all environmental issues, including those that may yet not be identified. Most environmental organizations focus on one or two. But we have to deal with all the issues, and that stretches human capabilities. We have to learn to think differently.

None of us, including Doc Hall, are through this conversion in thinking. Collectively, we have to learn to see outside our old conventions and approach problems differently. Over time Doc, concocted four Guidelines to Compression Thinking that have helped him. Perhaps they will help you. 

The Compression Thinking Series is 12 podcasts and 12 follow up teleconferences. Podcasts #2, #4, #5, and #6 address each of the four guidelines of Compression Thinking. Topic #3, “Lawns and Biodiversity,” illustrates how Compression Thinking alters how we see an activity with which most of us are familiar, cutting grass.


You are invited to all teleconferences. The Compression Thinking Series will be at  8 pm Eastern on Tuesdays, beginning on February 4, 2020, continuing each Tuesday evening for 11 weeks thereafter. No teleconference will last more than 2 hours, even if discussion is lively. 

Can’t make the Compression Series teleconferences, or not all 12 of them? Join the Compression Community. We would like to get to know you personally and set up teleconferences on Compression-related matters of your choice. Or just e-mail Doc:  

All teleconferences are free. But please sign up for Compression Thinking Series teleconferences.

For more information on the Compression Thinking Series, listen to podcasts, or sign up for a teleconference, scroll on down.

Do you have questions or comments? To send your questions and comments about The Compression Thinking Series to Doc Hall, please use the contact form at the bottom of this page.

Podcast #8. Fashionable Waste

Podcast #8. Fashionable Waste

Listen to the podcast; join the follow-up teleconference at This podcast topic is "Fashionable Waste." Learn how to address complex issues, think from alternate viewpoints, originate solutions, and dialog with others. Follow up Teleconference: The...

Podcast #7. Deep Change

Podcast #7. Deep Change

Listen to the podcast; join the follow-up teleconference at This podcast topic is "Deep Change." Learn how to address complex issues, think from alternate viewpoints, originate solutions, and dialog with others. Follow upTeleconference: To make...

Podcast #5. Organize for Learning

Podcast #5. Organize for Learning

 This podcast topic is "Organize for Learning." Learn how to address complex issues, think from alternate viewpoints, originate solutions, and dialog with others. Follow up Teleconference: By this point, we should have created doubts that we can cure the ills of...

Podcast #4. Symbiotic Thinking

Podcast #4. Symbiotic Thinking

Listen to the podcast; join the follow-up teleconference at This podcast topic is "Symbiotic Thinking." Learn how to address complex issues, think from alternate viewpoints, originate solutions, and dialog with others. Follow up Teleconference:...

Podcast #2. The Earth is Finite

Podcast #2. The Earth is Finite

Listen to the podcast; join the follow-up teleconference. Follow Up Teleconference: Seen from space, the earth is finite. Its resources, space, and disposal capacity are limited, but we behave as if consumption could expand forever. Economic thinking goes upside down....