Overview of the Vigorous Learning Approach Employing Dialog

Collective learning for better decisions

  1. Define the problem as tame or wicked.
  2. Define the problem as a system operating within a larger system not just the sum of its parts.
  3. Identify all the stakeholders. Prepare a Stake Holders Analysis.
  4. Ask each participant to give their response to the problem. And how they support their statements.
    Paraphrase the response on a flip chart.
    The other participants listen to understand the response presented. And listen to their reaction to the statement as to why they agree or disagree. Also, they check their assumptions and beliefs.
  5. After all, participants present his/her response. The facilitator formulates the responses into a collective understanding of the problem. The new problem definition should include its boundaries and what variables are considered relevant or not.
  6. This formulation becomes the topic for the second round of participant responses.
  7. When the second round the problem is complete, we focus on opportunities to intervene. Explore all possible options as to how to resolve the problem. The option should go beyond the traditional expert’s answers.
  8. Identify the consequences of the option on the stakeholders. Develop responses to negative impact.
  9. Collective understanding should trigger a decision on an implementation.
    During implementation, the action plan should be monitored by a group with PDCA approach.