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This is a test block quote.

quotes in blocks

what happens when i do that

yryrdyrds test text that i can use to determine what things will look like


I can also see how this looks when aligned right. And if this looks good

I can use it in other settings.

Learning groups from which we can borrow ideas have typically had meetings of senior leaders one day a month, lasting between two and six hours. Casual observation of “lean consortia” is that those aggressively pursuing change hold longer meetings, and have more contact with the facilitator and with each other between meetings. And they regularly display performance records at meetings and ask pointed questions of each other.

Learning groups from which we can borrow ideas have typically had meetings of senior leaders one day a month, lasting between two and six hours. Casual observation of “lean consortia” is that those aggressively pursuing change hold longer meetings, and have more contact with the facilitator and with each other between meetings. And they regularly display performance records at meetings and ask pointed questions of each other.