Please join the Compression Community. Become a regular. Our first teleconference will be at 11 am Eastern time, on Saturday, February 1. These will continue ever first Saturday of the month unless the Community prefers a different time, any reasonable request accommodated. And we hope to stir more than one teleconference a month. To learn more about the Compression Community, click here. To sign on to the Compression Community, click here. We e-mail teleconference access codes to those who sign on.
The core of the Compression Community is Compression Thinking which we need to practice together. Get into it and help improve it
To get into it, we made a series of 12 podcasts about Compression Thinking. This we call the Compression Thinking Series. The 12 podcasts were designed to be watched in sequence, but you can access any one you want at any time, whether you are a member of the Compression Community or not.
A series of twelve tele.conferences follow each of the 12 podcasts. Twelve podcasts, one each week, with a teleconference on the topic the following Tuesday evening, one a week for twelve weeks. We push a podcast to you on Wednesday; hold a teleconference the following Tuesday.
Today is Wednesday, Jan. 29. The first podcast is “What is Compression Thinking?” You can review and hear it here.
The follow up teleconference on “What is Compression Thinking” will be at 8 pm, Tuesday, Feb. 4. Sign up for this teleconference here, and we’ll send you the access code.
No teleconference will last no more than two hours, even if discussion is spirited, but we want enough time to get to know you, to learn about your situation. Then explore how Compression Thinking might open new perspectives on it, or new possibilities for addressing it.
Compression Thinking is not sustainability as usual. No financial wizardry; no technological magic. Start from the premise that we must learn to live in balance with nature. But all of us are trapped in the current expansionary system. Our mindsets are trapped in it too; they have to be, just to navigate living.
So let’s jump our mind-track ruts and get into Compression Thinking.