There are several ways you may choose to become involved in our mission.
The Compression Thinking Series of Podcasts and Teleconferences – Hear the Podcasts; Join in Teleconferences by clicking here:
Many environmental initiatives concentrate on a few issues. Compression Thinking asks what we must do to address all issues, including those not yet identified. Collectively, we have to learn to think differently.. Over time Doc Hall concocted four Guidelines to Compression Thinking that have helped him along. Podcast topics #2, #4, #5, and #6 address each of these four guidelines.
If you listen to all 12 podcasts in sequence, you will be into Compression Thinking as it may apply in many situations.
To dig in more and talk about how Compression Thinking may work for you, sign up for a follow on teleconference.
Join the Compression Community:
Learn About the Compression Community Here.
Starting February 4, 2020
A Series of 12 Compression Thinking Teleconferences
Each Teleconference will be Based on a Podcast. Listen to all 12 here.
All teleconferences are free, but please sign up in advance.
We are squeezing the planet more than it can stand. To stop squeezing it, we must squeeze our consumption — cut our use and disposal of resources much deeper than “sustainability.” We can’t sustain economic growth and save the planet on the side. Deep squeeze is a revolution in how we work, live, and think. Why? What to do? Keep exploring this site, digest it in bite-size chunks, join the Compression Community and let’s figure out what we need to do.
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We don’t like to think in terms of money, but yes, it costs a little to keep this initiative going. Just helping us cover the expenses of day to day operations would be a great help. The Compression Institute is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization. Click on the Donate button below.

Start Saving & Giving Free:
Join Giving Assistant to start donating 3-30% of every purchase to Compression Institute while you shop online at places like Best Buy (1%), eBay (1%), and Lowe’s (4%). Click the Start Saving & Giving Free button below to get started.
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