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Rare Earths and Wicked Problems

April 8, 2010: To actually accomplish anything complex, and which has multiple goals, the "wicked" aspects of a situation must be considered (a wicked problem is defined somewhere in the Compression Map). But work organization leaders realize that focusing groups on...

Energy Blowout

May 9, 2010: The BP oil rig Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico is bringing home to Americans the risks of exploiting energy sources in difficult environments. This requires technical expertise and expenditure of energy to obtain energy. Techniques and technology...

Fishery Collapses

March 31, 2010: Fishery collapses continue around the world. Remediation is slow. Fishery collapse stories introduce many issues dealing with Compression in other contexts. In 2006 Boris Worm (Dalhousie University - Nova Scotia) made headlines for a day. Extrapolating...

“Entitlement” to Water

March 15, 2010: An piece popped up in the New York Times last week end, dramatizing the problems of maintaining the water system of Washington DC, and noting the waste incurred when maintenance is deferred. You can see it here. Americans differ little from people...

Economic Indicators

Prices, costs, and markets were never devised to tell us how we're doing in a world in Compression, and effects may take years to become so severe that no one can mistake them. The obvious indicator is energy prices. Petroleum spot prices of $60-$90 a barrel seem...

Unhappy Employment

February 6, 2010: Besides the Toyota debacle, four obscure news items cropped up this week. First, many states' unemployment funds are near bankruptcy. Second, the NFL and the players' union hit an impasse negotiating the 2011 contract; could millionaire  players draw...

Foiling Malthus

January 20, 2010: Were we successful stabilizing global population at about 9 billion people in a post-expansionary society, say by 2040, how would this play out?  What to do may be counterintuitive if we're not to replicate the fate of long ago societies. For...

What is Vigorous Learning

"Vigorous" suggests several attributes of learning. First, that it should be aggressive, and a core part of daily activity. Second, in work organizations, learning is primarily directed to its mission and goals, but not exclusively; organizations must venture "outside...

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