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Compression Thinking

Compression Thinking is collectively learning to enjoy living on our spaceship planet by becoming much wiser much faster. Compression Thinking differs from most initiatives to improve ecological sustainability in three primary ways: 1. Make huge reductions in total...

Compression Thinking Groups

The mission of the institute is to create and support action learning groups to transform work organizations and communities using Compression Thinking. To appreciate the difficulty of this mission, reflect on it, which will begin your Compression Thinking. We’ve...

The Chinese Enigma

October 31, 2011 China’s mass of contradictions may even be enigmatic to Chinese leaders. Chinese government secrecy inhibits fact checking. It is riding a growth tiger and must eventually dismount, but like all of us, appears fearful of being chewed up when it gets...

Compressed on Spaceship Earth

October 13, 2011 Concern is rising that the economy will never revert to a pattern resembling the past, but enter a New Reality. It’s trying to re-inflate, but only huffs and puffs financial bubbles instead. Looking at the world as physical systems rather than...

Water, Water…

October 13, 2011 In the last 40 years we discovered water in space. We expect to find much more water deep on the moon, Mars, and elsewhere. Water on Asteroid 24 Themis closely matches our ocean water. Scientists speculate that much of earth’s water wafted in from...

Low Load Energy

September 27, 2011 The Fukushima disaster cut Japan’s generating capacity. This immediately prompted ideas to cut the load on their grid. Many ideas are modern updates of a 200-year old one, a self-winding watch that powers itself at the point of use. For instance,...

Transformative Wing Walking

September 27, 2011 An old management adage called the “law” of wing walking is, “Don’t let go of anything before you have hold of something else.”  Some wing walkers just shut their eyes and kept a tight grip. A few jumped from one plane to another. Since very few of...

Striking Against Ourselves

September 8, 2011 The Compression Institute is crawling toward developing a movement unlike any known precedent. Organizing ourselves for vigorous learning within some legal framework is, from a human view, a bigger challenge than the global messes we seek to address....

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