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What’s Wrong with U.S. Education?

We need to question our basic educational needs. Both the quality and quantity of U.S. education are constantly under fire. District school superintendents are under pressure to do more with less funding, especially in urban areas. Lost in the clamor is that all...

Everything is a “Nexus”

Summertime and the food forecasts are queasy. In the drought-hit U.S. the latest USDA projections show corn harvests down 13% and soybeans 12% from 2011; wheat stays about even. Although other world crop areas are not as hard hit, no major area has a big record...

Learning to See the Whole

Feedback from our Summer Institute in Boulder, CO led to a few changes in terminology that you will soon notice. One of those changes is the attribute of a Vigorous Learning Organization that we have called "Meta-Vision." The term is too academic to grasp quickly, but...

Compression Thinking About Water Systems

Water affects more people in the world than any other environmental problem today, even when they don’t realize it. Water and sewage are hidden beneath the surface of many political issues. Agricultural irrigation being a major use of water, food supply is affected,...

Smart Water Systems

Andrew Warrington is President of Peerless Pump Company, a division of Grundfos Water networks have problems that can only be solved by taking a total systems look at water issues. Our company is mostly in the pump business, big pumps like those supplied by QMAX...

Black Swan Swarms

A major theme of Compression Thinking is learning how to live as well or better using much less. That simple objective is possible for a working organization to fix in mind, but complexity implementing it challenges old business thinking. From a business view,...


Snakebots are robots shaped like a snake. Snakebots are coming out of labs to be used for many different purposes, including heart surgery. Robots have been used as surgical tools for several years, so a serpentine shape just gives a robot advantages in...

“Hype Becomes Reality”

Shelly Palmer used this phrase to describe the May 18 Initial Public Offering of Facebook, described as a Grand Casino Game – a monetization of Facebook hype, positive for the winners; negative for the losers. Of course, this assumes that money defines reality. Before...

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