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Should We Monetize Nature?

How can business thinking expand into wonderment about how it fits into nature? https://youtu.be/-rEhUcy5Oz0 Coffee With Doc: Monetizing Nature Land developments are often subject to environmental reviews, and the developers want a cost-benefit analysis. Such analysis...

Losing Our Bubble

https://youtu.be/81RLiO1cz4I Coffee With Doc, August 19, 2016, Software, 2:22 Minutes Losing Our Bubble Software systems are the quintessence of growing complexity in technological societies. Not only is a truly complex system intricate, it may be changing faster than...

Environmental Standards

Environmental Standards By Arthur B. Weissman, Ph.D., President and CEO, Green Seal For over fifty years the manufacturing sector has been bombarded by standards to improve it. The development of total quality management practices in the 1950s and 60s led to the ISO...

Beyond Bullxit

Beyond Bullxit – After Brexit, how do we form a clearly envisioned alternate system and cohesive theory of action? Subsequent updates will propose a v that might have a chance of success. Perhaps we can call this, “Beyond Bullxit.”

Crossing the Divide

Crossing the Divide – How do we transform to a regenerative system? Crossing the divide refers to giving up on an old system, and pressing on to create a new one, fully committed, realizing that there is no going back.

Yogi in the Symbiocene: Simplifying the Complexity

How to wake up from the frozen haze to recognize voiceless Earth suffocating at the hands of corruption.  Australian environmental professor Glenn Albrecht coins new words, lots of them. His reason: Trapped in the language of today, we cannot imagine a new...

Millstones of Progress

In a technological society many of us dream of being entrepreneurs, breaking out of rule-bound bureaucracies to try a new idea. However, a successful new organization has to deal with a world full of bureaucracy, so to do this, it grows its own administration. As it...

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