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A Direction in the Chaos

https://youtu.be/5sehaJiUzVo Coffee With Doc: Stalking Dinner (Video 4 minutes) Whether called “free market,” globalization,” neo-liberalism, or something else, the West’s prevailing business and economic system is sputtering. A totally new social contract will have...

Postcapitalism: A Guide to Our Future by Paul Mason

Postcapitalism: A Guide to Our Future by Paul Mason Mason is an experienced British writer and TV news editor covering economics and public policy. His future vision fuses artificial intelligence, automation, environmental problems, and wonky strategies to cure our...

Re-Balancing Ourselves

https://youtu.be/CsmPrkNB-ts Coffee With Doc: Re-Balancing Ourselves Previous posts referred to a broad swath of environmental degradation undermining our consumptive way of life. Issues are global, but vary by location. Some of us don’t want to accept that this is...

Can We Make Human Progress?

https://youtu.be/BMGdn6boL_c Even economists are beginning to see that the current economic system is flawed. Most want to fix it, like Jared Bernstein who advocates re-priming growth, but distributing it more equally, which he calls “reconnection.” Arguments about...

Compression at the Octane Coffee Shop

https://youtu.be/BSxuWlrdYFE Coffee With Doc: Adopting Compression Thinking (video and blog) Last Saturday, we went to Maria Morgan’s coffee shop. Maria asked about Compression and Compression Thinking. She had not heard of it before. I asked about her coffee shop...

NOW – The Physics of Time by Richard A. Muller

NOW - The Physics of Time by Richard A. Muller Muller is professor of physics at Berkeley, best known recently as a skeptic investigating global warming, reluctantly concluding that the evidence points to it – with reservations, of course. However, his book, Now, is a...

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