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Insidious Toxins

September 8, 2011 Environmental toxins are more complex than any busy person can be expected to follow. Even biological specialists unable to grasp the scope of these risks tend to issue messages that are contradictory generalizations from limited observations. That’s...

Compression Institute Update

Aug. 25, 2011 The Institute has been incorporated in Kentucky with the intent of qualifying as a 501(C)3 organization. We intend to abide by the spirit of B-Corporations, now legally recognized by five states as an entity legally dedicated to serving all stakeholders,...

Valuations vs. Values

August 25, 2011 This post was sparked by an exchange with Tom Hachiya on a Wall Street Journal article in which Mark Andreesson (Silicon Valley venture capitalist) said that he’s betting on software to power new expansion of the American economy. Without question...

Economics of Learning

August 12, 2011 How can service companies increase effectiveness? Today we jump on techniques, like killer apps, as a hot market, but whether software saves resources or wastes them depends on its role within a total system. Think big. For instance, ask why the 1970s...

7 Billion and Counting

August 12, 2011 Demographers are statistically minded folk who count people and project population numbers. A cheery lot, they ignore politics, wars, shortages, and environmental issues. They track birth and death rates, life spans, ages, fertility rates, education,...

Footprints and Effectiveness

July 28, 2011 The diagram depicts a key challenge of Compression Thinking, using a simple framework to factor our huge global challenges into things that a work organization must do to contribute to global impact. In most cases, substantial change will require...

Green Goo; Yellow Sea

July 28, 2011 You have to know your algae. They exist in great variety from single cells to giant kelp. The mere sight of pond scum clouding clear water in summer displeases most of us, but algae blooms expanding all over the world are also a perverse resource...

Compression Thinking Groups

July 14, 2011 Linking a working organization’s future goals to a big global challenge is not easy, but every discussion of the possibilities for Compression Thinking Groups digs deeper into how to bring this closer to reality. Discussions in Cardiff, Wales were no...

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