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District Energy

One of the oldest ways to save energy is district energy, formerly district heating. Many old cities, campuses, and other big building complexes used district heating, often as steam piped from an on-site boiler house or as turbine steam from a community electrical...

Biomes and Biodiversity

Other than “cute” animals going extinct, biodiversity gets little public attention. Preserving biodiversity is essential for many reasons that sum up to life itself being unable to exist without it (yawn). Publicized studies cover macro-diversity we can see, but...

The Missing Link

We issue environmental blurbs like many of our posts because those leading a normal life can’t keep up with the state of the earth. Full time environmentalists can’t keep up either. Compression refers to squeezing human consumption back within the limits of a finite...

Our Dropping Energy Yields

Energy return on energy invested (EROEI) is well known, but not widely practiced. Applied to an oil well, EROEI is the ratio of energy represented in crude oil at a wellhead divided by the energy used to drill the well and pump up the oil. Estimating this ratio for a...

Action Learning Groups

The mission of the Compression Institute is to create and support action learning groups to transform work organizations and communities using Compression Thinking. That is, we’re seeking how people at the action level can aggressively cope with a fast-changing world,...

The Art of the Question

Every one of us is subject to confirmation bias. That is, we pay more attention to evidence that confirms past beliefs than to evidence that these beliefs are untrue. Our neural processes just work this way, even in scientific logic, where it is said that...

Structuring Compression Thinking

The Compression Institute is inching closer to feet-on-the ground experimentation. We’ve long harbored the idea of forming local learning groups that would foster real experiments doing more using less by real work organizations. By prevailing thinking, just...

Compression Institute Update

The Institute has formed a board of directors: Doc Hall, Chairman; Jack Ward, V.P. Fund Raising; Dave Veech, V.P. Finance; Jason McVay, V.P. Operations; Marvin Klein, Founder of PortionPac Chemical; Wayne Lindholm, Pres. of Manskliga-Anden; Rusty Patterson, Chairman...

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